Hadikin Lake, near the upper Walbran Valley. A small lake with a fringe of old growth forest on Ditidaht territory, with good drinking water and a dock for swimming. Hadikin Lake is two hours drive down logging roads from Lake Cowichan. This informal campsite on Crown land is free and has no electricity, plumbing, or other amenities. (The Wild Earthlings will provide meals, snacks, drinking water, coffee, tea, wash stations, and latrines.)

Update - Thursday May 24th
Here’s the latest: everything is coming together beautifully. Thanks to all the presenters and volunteers who have signed up. Thirty different workshops and events are already scheduled – see below.

Forecast: Be prepared for cool, rainy weather. Temperatures may drop to 6 degrees (42 F) at night. Sunny and hot weather is equally likely. Bring warm clothes, wool socks, rubber boots, and rain gear, as well as a tent, sleeping bag, cup, bowl and spoon, medications, mosquito repellent, sun screen, drums and musical instruments. The Wild Earth camp - workshops, campfires, and kitchen - are alcohol and drug free. Please be responsible.

Wild Earth is 100% volunteers. Your help with food prep, cleanup, childcare, transportation, and cash is enormously appreciated. A sliding scale donation ($20 to 50) is suggested. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided each day, along with drinking water, coffee and tea.

Google Map: Click here to view the interactive Google Map of Hadikin Lake. Use the satellite view to see the landscape. (Logging roads are not well marked on Google, so we'll be creating a hand-drawn map to post here.)