Banner-making, tree climbing, non-violence training and more
Barking up a Tree
At Wild Earth, tree climbing trainers will be on hand each day to teach proper technique and safety for canopy research, banner hangings and treetop occupations. Fun for all ages!
Role-Playing Games
Non-violence trainers demonstrate how to de-escalate conflicts. Role-playing exercises put those skills to the test with mock confrontations. Take turns playing the "good guys" and the "bad guys."
Grassy Narrows
Find out more about the longest running forest defense blockade in Canada, established by First Nations in 2002 and still going on in Northern Ontario.
Finger Paints
Banner messaging is an art. This workshop provides materials, paint, and brushes (optional), plus tips on how to get the point across.
Jailhouse Rock
Ask a radical lawyer: he's on your side! Learn all about legal rights for arrestees, the ins and outs of injunctions, and what everyone risking arrest needs to know about the law.
Many more workshops will be announced once they're confirmed. For updates emailed directly to you, sign up for the Wild Earth list! See right-hand sidebar.